2022 Here We Come!

Our project list on the farm is always a mile long. It’s a bit different than our project list when we lived in a subdivision with only cats and dogs. Now the list consists of fencing, haying, building structures, fixing tractors and hatching chicks.

There’s always so much to get done that I often find myself frustrated and discouraged at the pace of our bigger projects. Why isn’t the roof fixed? Why haven’t we built the new chicken runs? Why are the dang goats still getting out of the fence??? We (mostly Darrin) have done so much work and improvements in the last few years since taking over this neglected land, but the list of things that need attention or often break down grows quicker than the things getting done.

Right now in this wet and wintery weather, the horse stalls are filled with muck and the pastures are nothing but mud. I want to cry every day when I go out there.

It’s here that I have to remind myself to breathe. Farming is hard y’all. And it’s so hard for me to be patient. When God was giving out patience, I think I was over at the wine bar ;) When I get an idea in my head, it consumes me until I’ve either accomplish the goal or beat myself up trying to force something to happen in the wrong time or place. I imagine it’s the same way for many of you. Waiting is the hardest part.

Taking small, methodical steps has not been in my vocabulary and I’ve never been one to set New Years Resolutions, BUT I’m going to try something a little different this year.

I’m going to write down a few goals instead of 100. Then I’m going to break down the steps, each with a check box, so I can have the satisfaction of marking off each box as we work toward the goal. Then I’m going to share those goals with the husband, who will be making said goals a reality. And from what I understand, having a reasonable deadline for each step is also imperative, as opposed to having a “get it done yesterday” deadline. :) Imagine that!

I know my husband is reading this and shaking his head. He’s thinking I’m more likely going to climb Mt. Everest than cut back on my goal list and even more likely to learn to love snakes than have a reasonable expectation of my deadlines. Give me a break honey…I’m trying!

Here’s another great idea… I’m going to flip back through last year’s calendar every now and then, just to remind myself how many awesome things we actually DID get accomplished. Revisiting those achievements will provide positive encouragement and energy for the current ones and possibly remind me of my reasonable expectations.

Sounds simple, doesn’t it? Definitely not, but it’s a start.

I’d love to know what’s on your list for the upcoming year! Leave a note in the comments and share it with everyone.

Alisa Wyatt

Family Farm in North Knoxville, TN/Powell offering fresh eggs, chickens and ducks. Free range, pasture raised, sustainably grown. NO Additives. NO Hormones. NO Junk.


Cheers for duck eggs!


Turkey Time!